Thursday, December 27, 2007

You Will be Under My Spell...

Cayton received a fairy princess costume from Aunt Erin and Uncle Dray.  She immediately put it on and she even knew just what to do with her magic wand.  I apologize in advance for the narration.  Please don't let the nasal-y voice over take away from the action...

1 comment:

The McKays said...

Sorry, my comment doesn't relate to this post at all, but I figured if I responded to an older post, you might not ever see it.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I was thinking about you today. I said the *F* word at Toys R Us today! I didn't yell it, but I didn't say it very quietly either. They ticked me off because they wouldn't let me exchange something without a receipt. They tried to verify the purchase by typing in my mother-in-law's phone number and I thought "Oh, so that must be why they ask for your full identity at the check-out counter" (I loved that post too, by the way) but guess what? It didn't do me ANY GOOD! I gave her three phone numbers and none of them brought up anything. I know my MIL wouldn't have refused to give out her phone number, which leaves me to assume they didn't ask her for it, which is NOT MY FAULT!

So anyway, I cussed and stomped out and as I was marching across the parking lot, I thought of you and I couldn't help but smile. It made me feel better to know I'm not the only person who would yell obscenities in a children's toy store! In fact, I have a few words I'd like to share with their corporate office as well!
