Wednesday, September 14, 2005

This is the post that I should have written yesterday! Last night, when I sat down to write, all I could think about was the fact that nothing exciting had happened. But, while I lamented this fact, my baby girl quietly became a 5 month old. Where has the time gone?

Just five months ago I met my perfect, beautiful baby. She was bit early but no less perfect than she would have been had she been less impatient about getting here! Cayton Elise Doerr was born on a Tuesday at 8:54 in the morning. I have to say, never has there been a more perfect day. She arrived crying her well developed lungs out and looking just like her daddy (the thanks I get after all that work!) Even though none of the experience was easy, it was the ultimate privilege to be able to give life to that girl. Thanks for letting me be your Mama, bug!

Needless to say, I love that little bundle more than I ever thought I could love anything. Before she was born, the idea of loving someone so much it hurt sounded like a bad lyric from a power ballad. However, all you other naysayers out there, such a feeling does indeed exist! I often find myself looking at my miraculous baby with tears streaming down my face. My heart (I really hate the whole "heart" metaphor, but I can't think of anything better) just can't contain the emotions that she conjures.

Anyway, before I open up the waterworks yet again, I will conclude by saying that I no longer wonder at the meaning of life. I think it is simple. The meaning of life is life. I am simply here to be Cayton's mama and that is more than enough reason for me to get up in the morning and press on.

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